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Paypal Payments

Please enter your name and the reason for the payment.
Please provide more details about your payment, including your full name.
Please enter a valid amount to make the payment. Do not include commas, periods, or other symbols; enter only a whole number.
  • If you want to pay with your PayPal account, choose the Orange Button.
  • If you want to pay by credit card only (you don't need a PayPal account), choose the Black Button.


Formato Contacto


formulario de reserva
1.- Booking overview:

  • Total $ 0.00
  • Number of Nights 0
  • Deposit 30% with paypaL fee (6%) $ 0.00
  • Balance $ 0.00

Paypal cobra una comisión del 6%, nuestro sistema añadirá automáticamente esta comisión a la cantidad depositada.

  • If you want to pay with your Paypal account, choose the Orange Button option.
  • If you want to pay only by credit card (You don't need a Paypal account), choose the Black Button option.
2.- Fll Your Personal Information:

Gampling Form